
5.07 "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

Locke's mission off the island, as Jeremy Bentham, is revealed.

I found this episode mediocre. The beginning and end were interesting; learning of the fate of 316 and how Bentham died, but the middle seemed like filler. We saw small bits of his meeting with the O6, which I thought were disappointing. I'd hoped for a bit more out if his meetings. No one seemed the least bit surprised to see him, besides Hurley. It was so hard for them to get off of the island, yet John did it and not one of them asked him how. It is ironic how, when on the mainland, Locke is back in a wheelchair and a bit of a failure. I believe he truly is meant to be on the island.

Caesar, the 316 passenger that I said we'd be seeing again, enters an office and begins ruffling through papers. First thought, this is a flashback and we'll now learn what led Caesar to flight 316 in the first place. There's a old Life Magazine on the desk dated April 19, 1954. The cover story is about Hydrogen Bomb testing. Suddenly, we recognize the symbol on one of the folders as a DHARMA symbol. The Hydra to be exact. The Hydra is the "other" island. The one where Kate and Sawyer were held captive in bear cages and where Jack was confined in an empty shark tank. Inside we see notes from Daniel's notebook, though they're aged much more then the last time we saw Daniel rifle through them. While going through the folder, on the floor, Caesar notices a loaded rifle hidden beneath the office desk. He grabs it and sticks it in his pack just as our other 316 newbie enters the room. Ilana asks him what he's found, he says nothing. She saw him put something in his pack, he pulls out a flashlight and says that's what he stashed away. Why the lie? Is he just playing it safe because he doesn't really know her? She tells him that one of their people found a man just standing in the water. One that wasn't on the plane. Caesar asks if he's one of "the ones that disappeared". She says he's not. He asks who the man is then, she says to ask him himself. As they leave the building we see a plane, carefully landed in brush to their left. They walk out into a familiar scene. People spread out on a dark beach, a large bon-fire burning. My very first gut instinct was that of the Others when the Losties arrived; get off our island! Funny how it's now ours and we don't want anyone new on it. Sitting on the beach, in the dark, cloaked in a Ajira Airways blanket the mystery man reveals himself to be John Locke. Is this where my "told ya so" come in? LOL

The next morning Locke stands at the waters edge looking out at the main island on the horizon. Ilana approaches him, introducing herself and offers him a mango. He asks her of the two outriggers on the beach. She says that they were already there but there was a third that the pilot and "some woman" took during the night. Locke should recognize these as the ones from the beach before he turned the FDW. He asks if they have a passenger list and she tells him that he'll have to ask Caesar about it. She seems none too happy that Caesar has taken it upon himself to "lead" them. She tells Locke that no one remembers him being on the plane. He says he doesn't remember being on it either. She asks him why he's dressed so nicely. He tells her that he's pretty sure that it's what he was going to be buried in. He tells her that he remembers dying. A little creeped out, she just walks away. And speaking of Lapidus, that man can land a plane can't he? The thing didn't even look like it had a scratch on it. And why did he land it? It doesn't appear to have "crashed". And could he have used the "runway" that Juliet joked Kate and Sawyer were building when they were held captive?

Tunisia - Unknown Date

Locke finds himself in the desert. Nauseous from his "travels", and probably the pain he's in from his broken leg, he vomits. He can't get up but looks around to see a video camera pointed exactly where he lays. Night falls and Locke sees a truck speeding towards him. The men race to collect him up and toss him into the back. They bring him into a hospital, it is now daylight. He asks repeatedly where he is but no one answers; they're too busy rushing to care for him. The doctor forces pills down his throat as Locke sees Matthew Abaddon watching from across the room. As the doctor then resets Locke's broken leg, the pain causes him to pass out. I nearly did the same just watching it. *cringe*

When he awakens he finds Charles Widmore sitting at his bedside. He tells Locke that he had a specialist flown in to do a better job of resetting his leg. He then marvels at how Locke looks exactly the same as he did when they met when he was 17. He asks him how long it's been, for him since they met. Locke tells him that it's been only 4 days to Widmore's 50+. Locke asks if it was him that set up the camera in the desert. He says that that is the "exit". That explains why both Ben and the polar bear turned up there. Well, kind of. Did the polar bear turn the FDW too? He tells him that he was afraid that Ben would fool him into leaving the island, as he did him. Widmore then tells Locke that he was the leader of the Others, protecting the island for more then 3 decades before Ben exiled him, just as he did John. 3 decades? That would mean that Penny was either conceived or born on the island. Could that be why Widmore was so mean to Des? He wanted to be sure he didn't take her to the island because she'd die like Charlotte did. ?? And after meeting the 17 year old Widmore, I have a hard time believing that he was ever their leader. Lived there maybe, but leader? Naw. Locke tells him that Ben was already gone when he left on his own accord. Widmore can't understand why he'd do this, then he realizes that he's come to bring the O6 back. Locke tells him that's not what he's come to do but Widmore says that he understands his lying to him. He tells Locke that the O6 have been back for more then 3 years and shows him a newspaper clipping of their heroic return. He tells them that they've been lying about where they were and what happened. This must make John happy since this is just what he asked Jack to do. Locke tells Widmore that he has to bring them back and Widmore vows to do everything in his power to help him. Locke can't understand why Widmore would help him and he tells him that there's a war coming and Locke has to be on the island in order for the right side to win.

Sitting outside of the hospital, Widmore gives Locke cash, a cell phone and passport with the fake Jeremy Bentham identity. He tells him that he can reach him on the cell anytime by pressing only 2-3. He shows Locke files on each of the people that have left the island and confesses that he's been watching them because he's "deeply invested in the future of the island". He tells Locke that he should probably keep his name out of their meetings because of Ben's lies. Locke asks how he knows he can trust him and Widmore points out that he hasn't tried to kill him as Ben has. Locke notes that Widmore sent the frieghter and C4 to the island, which Widmore defends, were meant to take Ben out. He says that Locke needs to take over. The island needs him and has for a long time. Locke doesn't believe he's a special as Widmore does. He then tells Widmore that Richard told him he'd have to die to save the island. This appears to surprise Widmore, who tells Locke that he doesn't know why Richard would say that, but he won't let it happen. He then introduces Locke to Abaddon and tells him that he'll be his driver and protector. Locke recognizes Abaddon from the hospital after his fall but says nothing. As they drive away Abaddon asks Locke if there's anything he can do for him, anyone he can contact, but he asks him not to talk to him, just drive. As they approach the airport Abaddon asks where they're going first and Locke tells him they're going to Santa Domingo.

Santa Domingo - Unknown Time

Sayid is helping build homes with a charity called Build Our World. Another volunteer tells him that he has a visitor. He sees Locke, sitting in a wheel chair, waving; he doesn't even look surprised to see him. We enter the conversation midway with Sayid telling Locke that he's not going back. He tells him how he was manipulated by Ben for 2 years, believing he was protecting everyone on the island. He asks John who's manipulating him. Locke says he's doing this on his own. He tells Sayid that he knows, deep down, that they never should have left. Sayid tells Locke of Nadia and how leaving the island brought them back together, even if it was only briefly. He then blames Locke's need to be on the island on not having anywhere else to go. Locke tells him where and how he can be reached should he change his mind. Sayid tells him he can always come back to Santa Domingo should he ever want to do some real good in the world.

New York, NY - Unknown Time

Sitting outside of a school in NYC, John asks Abaddon to look up Helen Norwood. When he asks if she's an old girlfriend Locke doesn't answer. The school bell rings and Walt emerges. He sees Locke across the street and crosses to see him. Again, he's not really surprised. Locke calls him on it. He tells Locke that he's been having dreams of him in a suit with people around him that want to hurt him. Locke says it's a good thing they're only dreams, but he knows better. Walt asks if his dad returned to the island because he hasn't heard from him in 3 years. Locke squirms a bit and tells him that the last he knew he was on a freighter just off of it. How does he know that? I don't remember anyone telling him that Michael was on the freighter. And why isn't he asking about Vincent. He asks what brings Locke out here. He says he's just checking up on him. He says he's doing good and they part ways. Abaddon asks if Locke didn't invite Walt along. He says no, that he's been through enough. When Walt visits Hurley later on he tells him that he was visited by Jeremy Bentham. Locke never told Walt that he was referring to himself as Bentham during this conversation. Could this just be an error or will there be another meeting? Locke tells him that if he can convince just one of the O6 to return, the rest will follow. Presumably, he's talking about Jack. He tells Abaddon that they're off to LA. If Jack can bring them all back, why didn't he just start there? As they get in the car, it's revealed that Ben is watching them.

Santa Rosa, California - Unknown Time

If Jack is the one to convince, why is he visiting Hurley next? Anyway, Hurley's outside of Santa Rosa drawing a picture of an Egyptian sphinx. BTW, "sphinx" is "strangler" in Greek. Locke rolls up in his wheelchair and Hurley hardly bats an eye. He tries not the make eye contact as he notes that Locke must not have "made it". He tells him it's cool and that he's not the first to visit him. He asks why he's in a wheelchair and Locke says it's because he fell down a hole. Hurley asks him if that's how he died. Locke tells him that he's not dead. Hurley looks almost sorry for Locke, like he's one of those dead people that doesn't know it ala Sixth Sense. Locke tries to convince him when Hurley just asks a nearby nurse if he's talking to a man in a wheelchair. When she says yes, he nearly jumps out of his skin. FINALLY! Someone reacts to Locke being off the island! Funny how a living Locke is scarier to him than the dead one was. LOL He asks what he's doing here and Locke tells him that they need to go back to the island. Hurley tells him that there's no way he's going to get Kate or Jack or Sun. He then notices Abaddon and tells Locke to be cool but they're being watched. When Locke tells him that Abaddon is with him Hurley loses it. He tells him that Abaddon is a bad guy and that he approached him after the crash saying he worked for Oceanic. Once he realizes that Locke and Abaddon are together he freaks out and asks to be taken back inside. Abaddon tells Locke that he needs to step up his game since he's now gotten 3 strikes. Irritated, Locke asks Abaddon what exactly he does for Mr. Widmore. He tells him that he gets people where they need to go and asks if Locke really doesn't remember meeting him after his fall. He points out that he was the one that pushed him to go on his walkabout. The same walkabout that got him on flight 815. The same flight that got him to the island. Locke tells him that he remembers.

Los Angeles, California - Unknown Time (notice how all of the places the O6 are have either saint or angel in their names?)

Locke's at Kate's. Again we come in mid conversation. Kate tells him that the answer is no. She assures him that she understands that every one on the island will die if she doesn't go back. She tells Locke that the only reason he wants to stay on the island is because he doesn't love anyone. Huh? Are they just trying to re-work Helen into the story line? Is that why Kate doesn't want to go back, because she does; and it's not the man's life she could save if she returned? Locke tells her that he did love someone but it just didn't work out because he was angry and obsessed. Kate points out that he still hasn't changed.

Outside Locke asks Abaddon if he's found Helen. He tells him he hasn't. Locke gets angry at his inability to help him when he seems to be able to help everyone else. Abaddon takes Locke to the cemetery. Helen's grave is before them. Abaddon tells him that she died of a brain aneurysm. Locke believes that if he had just changed they'd still be together but Abaddon notes that she still would have died. Locke doesn't believe that. Abaddon tells him that she's where she's meant to be, where her path led her. Just as his path leads back to the island. Abaddon tells him that Widmore told him what Richard had said about him dying. When did he do that? Locke told Widmore just before he met Abaddon and they left. He asks Locke if his death is inevitable or if it's a choice. Locke asks if Abaddon thinks he wants to die. Locke is back in the car, Abaddon is loading his wheelchair into the back. Just then Abaddon is shot twice from behind. As he falls to the ground Locke struggles to get into the drivers seat. As he speeds away there is one more gun shot and we see Abaddon's body fall to the ground.

Locke speeds through an intersection and a red light causing an accident. He wakes in the hospital, his head and face cut badly. He looks to the right and sees Jack. Jack asks Locke what he's doing in his hospital. Locke tells him it's destiny that he was brought to Jack's hospital, Jack says it was probability based on where his accident occurred. Locke tells him that they need to return to the island and Jack's the only one that can get all of them to join him. He tells Jack that someone was trying to kill him to keep him from getting back to the island because he's important. Jack tells him that he's delusional and that he's just a normal, lonely old man that crashed on an island. He gets up to leave and Locke tells him that his father says hello. Jack tells him that his father is dead. Locke tells him that he saw him on the island, his name is Christian and he says hello. This obviously gets to Jack but he insists that Locke leave him and everyone else alone and leaves. Jack later tells us that Locke told him that something terrible happened to everyone they left behind and that it was his fault. This didn't happen during this meeting, do they have another or was this just an error?

Back in his hotel room Locke writes the letter to Jack. He tosses the cell phone that Widmore gave him in the trash and grabs a paper bag from Angel's Hardware store. In it is an extension cord. He ties it off and wraps it over a pipe in the ceiling where tiles were rotting away. He climbs a table and loops the cord around his neck. Why is he doing this? Does he feel he's failed everyone else and knows this way he'll please Richard? Does he think that his death alone will bring the O6 back and save the island? It takes a few minutes but just as he's gotten up the courage to jump there's a frantic knock at his door. Ben yells for him from the other side. He breaks the door down and sees Locke. Locke asks how Ben found him and he confesses that he has a man watching the O6 to keep them safe, when Locke showed up in Santa Domingo the man called Ben. Locke begins to ask who his man is when Ben interrupts and asks him what he's doing. John cries and asks what everyone wants from him. Ben tells him that his just trying to protect him. Locke realizes that it was Ben that killed Abaddon, which he confesses to, insisting again that he was just trying to protect him. He tells Locke that Abaddon was dangerous because he worked for Widmore. Locke tells Ben that Widmore is not dangerous and that he saved him. Ben tells him that Widmore is just trying to use him to get back to the island. Remember, "Widmore is the reason I moved the island!" He tells Locke that he's important and nothing can happen to him. He begs him to let him help him. Locke tells him that he's a failure and there's no helping him. He tells him how he couldn't get any of the O6 to return and that he's no leader. Just as he about to jump from the table Ben blurts out that Jack booked a flight from LA to Sydney, leaving tonight. He tells him that whatever he said got to him and he can get the rest. This must be when Jack started flying, hoping to crash. Locke's knowledge of Christian must have gotten to him. Why Sydney? Does he think he needs to take the same route or is there more to this trip? Is he looking into his father's death more? This works, Locke climbs down with Ben's help. Ben tells him that they'll get them, together. He says that they'll start with Sun since Locke hasn't visited her yet. He tells Ben that Jin's alive and doesn't want Sun to know. This news shocks Ben. Why? He didn't know that Jin was on the freighter. Is he surprised to hear that anyone else on the island has survived? Locke tells him that he's supposed to tell Sun that Jin's body washed up on the beach, if she asks and that he has Jin's wedding ring to prove it. Ben agrees to keep Locke's promise. He helps John to his wheelchair and says that he's not sure what they'll do next, but they'll figure something else. Locke tells him of Eloise Hawking. Ben looks surprised to hear her name and Locke asks if he knows her. Ben says he does and grabs Locke from behind with the extension cord and strangles him.

After killing him, Ben hangs Locke's body to simulate a suicide. He cleans his fingerprints from the room and takes Jin's ring that Locke had placed on his nightstand. As he leaves the room he tells Locke "I'll miss you, John. I really will". This leads me to believe that Ben doesn't know bringing Locke's body back to the island will bring him back to life. Maybe Hawking tricks him into bringing it back knowing what will happen if he does.

If Jack takes his first "break down" plane trip the day after Locke visited him, I'm wondering how long he was hanging in that room before someone found him. Jack had made several trips, lost his job, became obsessed with finding the island and addicted to drugs all before he saw the obituary. Speaking of the obit... where did the newspaper get the personal info on "Jeremy Bentham"? Ben? Widmore?

Hydra Island - Unknown Date

Caesar's reading some DHARMA files in the Hydra station when Locke enters. Notice how the island has healed him again? He tells Caesar who DHARMA is and tells him that he's spent more than 100 days on this island. Technically he spent more then 100 days on the other island, but let's not be picky. Caeser thinks that Locke means he was on the island already when the plane crashed but he tells him he wasn't, that he'd left but he can't quite explain how long ago it was. Caesar asks him how he got back but Locke tells him that he's not sure. Caesar tells Locke about the plane crash and how there was a loud noise and bright light and then Hurley vanished. Some of the other passengers saw it happen to the other O6 to. He asks John if he knows what happened to them. Locke says he might but he'd need to see the passenger list. Caesar says that the pilot took it when he ran off. He tells him that everyone has been accounted for except those that vanished and those that were hurt.

He takes Locke to the hurt passengers, the last is turned on his side. Locke goes around the bed and recognizes that it's Ben. Caesar asks if he knows him and Locke says "Yeah. He's the man that killed me."


"Where" are Locke and the survivors of 316? Obviously not in the 70s like Jin, Kate, Jack and Hurley because Daniel's notes are aged and the DHARMA station is abandoned. I'm guessing they're in the present. So, if the O6 were sucked back in time, who's with Lapidus? And where are they going with the outrigger and passenger list? How will John get back to his people? Will he try to catch them in a leap so he can go with them? Could it have been him shooting at himself in the outrigger, trying to stop him so he could go back with them?

Who's the bad real guy? All along we've known that Ben could go either way but never once did we think that maybe Widmore wasn't bad. Ben made him out that way. His treatment of Desmond led us to believe it. The freighter that he sent to the island made the point stronger but now... now he seems to be a good guy. Especially after watching Ben strangle Locke with is bare hands. But could Ben have needed to kill Locke? We've seen in the past that the island won't let people kill themselves if it's not finished with them. Maybe Ben knew Locke wouldn't be able to kill himself and instead did it for him because, as we know, he has to die in order to save the island. Or, maybe Ben just killed Locke because he got the information from him that he needed. Hawking can get him back to the island.

Regarding where Locke "hung himself". According to the obituary Jack had, Jeremy Bentham's body was found hung in The Grand Tower, not the Westerfield Hotel where it actually was. Again, error or is there more to the story?

I'd like to go back to "316" for a second. Is it possible that the O6 weren't meant to jump? After rewatching last weeks episode again I noticed that Hawking told Jack that his window would close in 36 hours. When the show went back from J, K & H in the water to Hawking's church is said "46 hours earlier". Did they miss their window and accidentally go into the wrong window?

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