
5.04 "The Little Prince"

Kate learns who's after Aaron. The "Lefties" set forth a plan to stop the time jumps. A missing "Leftie" is rescuded by a familiar face
Let’s start by talking about the title of this episode. The Little Prince was a French book written by Antoine de Saint. It involves the narrator surviving a crash in the desert. He encounters the Little Prince who has left his home asteroid but ultimately cannot survive away from his home. The illustrator of the book drew the Little Prince as a young, blond-haired child. So many references to Aaron there… Now on with the story.

2004 – On the island

Charlotte remains unconscious while Dr. Juliet repeatedly checks her eyes for dilation. Guess that’s all they taught her at med school. She asks Daniel if he knows what’s wrong with her. Off to the side Locke and Sawyer discuss what they should do next. Locke says he thinks they should head to the Orchid. He figures that this is where it all started maybe that’s where they need to go to stop it all. He has to get off the island like Ben did to bring “them” back. Sawyer asks who and Locke tells him. Sawyer says that they’re dead but Locke says they’re not. When he asks how he knows that Locke says it’s not important. Sawyer points out that it’s a long haul and Locke suggests that they go back to the beach and use the Zodiac to go around the island rather then hiking across it. Locke plays Sawyer like a fiddle here using seeing “her” again as leverage. Looks like he’s learned Ben’s leader-manipulation well. Charlotte wakes up and at first doesn’t recognize Daniel but does after a moment. With that, Sawyer tells the group that they’re heading back to the Orchid like he’s the leader but we know he was just played.

After nightfall the group sees a large beam of light in the distance. Locke recognizes this light as the one that emanated from the Hatch the night that Boone died. He detours the group away from the light. I loved this and I immediately recognized the light.

A short while later they hear a woman’s cries. Sawyer says he’ll investigate. Through the brush he sees the back of Claire sitting on a log. In front of her is Kate. She’s delivering Aaron. Sawyer watches silently in awe. I believe I may even have seen his eyes well up with tears. Was it because of this moment? Or was it because he sees Kate? I’m not sure that he would have said anything, but before he could the island moved again. As excited as I was to see old footage of Claire, I would have loved to have seen Jin and Charlie, who were also in this scene watching the birth from a distance. I almost want to go back and watch the original episode just to see if we can see Sawyer hiding in the bushes behind them. How cool would that be?!

2005 or Later – On the island

Locke approaches Sawyer who is now just looking at the log Claire was sitting on. He asks what he saw. He says that it doesn’t matter because it’s gone now. They continue walking.

After they walk for a bit Locke asks Sawyer if he’s ready to discuss what he saw before the flash. Sawyer tells him to fess up first asking if the light they saw was from the Hatch. Locke tells him of that night, how he thought the light he saw meant something but he later learned that it was just a light. Sawyer asks why he didn’t go to himself and tell him to do things differently. Locke tells him that he couldn’t because he needed to go through that pain to get where he is now.

Now secretly suffering from his own nosebleeds, Miles asks Daniel about it. Daniel tells him that he believes that it’s related to the amount of time one has spent on the island. This confuses Miles because “those yahoos have been here for months” and he’s never been on the island before 2 weeks ago. Daniel asks him if he’s sure about that, hinting that Miles may have been here before, probably as a child since he doesn’t remember it. This supports my “Miles is Chang’s baby” theory.

They arrive at the beach and find that the camp is back but it’s a mess. All of the supplies, and more importantly the beer, are gone. Sawyer calls out the Rose and Bernard, Locke finds Vincent’s leash and the Zodiac is missing. Charlotte suggests that maybe Rose & Bernard and the other Losties took the Zodiac. Sawyer asks why they would do that and Miles points out that they may have been running from whoever came in the outriggers sitting on the beach. Sawyer finds a water bottle in the kayak and Juliet recognizes the name on it as an Indian airline, Ajira. To learn more about this fictious airline, visit www.ajiraairways.com/ Sawyer suggests that the kayaks belong to the Others but Juliet doesn’t recognize them. Locke suggest they take one, in replacement of the missing Zodiac, before the owners come back.. My thoughts here? Clearly, based on the shape that the camp is in, this is the future. I’m not sure why the camp looks the way it does but I think that the outriggers brought the O6 back to the island, hence the airline water bottle.

They begin paddling the kayak. Miles asks now far they have to go and Locke tells them that it won’t take more then a couple hours to get where they’re going. Juliet sees that something is bothering Sawyer and asks if he’s ok. He tells her that he saw Kate. Shocked, she asks what he means. He explains that it was Kate from the past delivering Aaron. Just then a group of people in the other outrigger begin shooting at them. The try paddling fast but they continue to shoot. Sawyer takes Juliet’s paddle after his is destroyed by bullets and she begins shooting back. Just then the light emanates, Sawyer praises God, the flash occurs and they move, into a downpour. Sawyer retracts his praise and they being paddling for shore. Who are the shooters? My guess is that it’s the O6 from the future, not knowing who they’re shooting at. My wild theory? It’s them, shooting at themselves. Maybe they’re heading into trouble and they’re trying to stop themselves, forgetting Daniel’s “rules”, if it didn’t happen, it can’t happen. Or maybe, something the shooting caused HAD to happen. For example, Sawyer's paddle wouldn't have been destroyed. Juliet wouldn't have shot off a few rounds of ammo. Maybe the island wouldn't have moved. It does seem to do it just when we need it too. Yeah, it’s crazy but this is LOST. Also, the shooter were incredibly far away but it appeared to me that Juliet may have hit one when she shot at them.

1988 – On the island

They make it ashore as night falls. Juliet asks Sawyer to continue telling him about seeing Kate in the jungle. He tells her that he was close enough to touch her if he wanted to and Juliet asks why he didn’t. He tells her “what’s done is done”. Just then he notices that she has a nosebleed. Sawyer was sweet here… he really does love Kate. I hope the writers aren’t planning a Sawyer/Juliet match up because… ewww.

Walking the beach, Charlotte calls to the other to “come look at this”. She’s found wreckage washing up on the beach. Locke rolls over some of it with is foot to see that it reads “besixdouze”. He asks if anyone speaks French. Besixdouze means B612 in French. B612 is the name of the asteroid in which The Little Prince lives in the book.

Meanwhile, we see a group of men and woman floating in the ocean in an emergency life raft. They’re speaking French to one another so they’re probably from the wreckage that’s washing ashore. Here’s a translation of the conversation…

Robert: I told you so! We never should have followed those damn numbers!
Montand: It’s not my fault, Robert. Brennan was in charge of the sonar!
Brennan: I was watching, Montand! I told you already, the instruments malfunctioned!
Woman: Man overboard!

In the distance they see a man floating on a piece of debris.

Man: What?
Man: I thought we were all there!
Man: We are all here! He’s not one of us. So who is he?
Paddle! Paddle! Come on!
Point the light on him!
Brennan, help paddling!
Come on! Hurry up! We are moving with the current!
No... There's only him! No boat, nothing.
The waves will bring us to the coast.
The wind is coming over here.
In the name of God, Brennan! Shut up!
Come on, bring him in the raft.
Help me.
He's heavy!
He's still breathing.

They paddle over and pull the man from the water, revealing him to be JIN!! Woo-hoo! Looks like Jin’s been leaping through time with the others all this time.

They reach the beach by morning. Two of the French men are discussing the numbers being transmitted over their radio leading them to wonder if the island is inhabited. Here’s the translation…

MONTAND: Look, the signal's coming from the island.
ROBERT: Can you find the source?
MONTAND: Yes, of course. Look.
ROBERT: Do you think it is inhabited?
MONTAND: I don't know.

You’ll recognize these numbers as THE numbers. This is the transmission that Rousseau will later block with her SOS.

As Jin wakes, one of the women who’s removed her rain gear and shows us her pregnant belly, offers him water and asks if he’s ok but he can’t understand French. Poor Jin. He spends 3 months on a island struggling to understand English and now that he gets it, he has to learn French! LOL After he says “no understand” she replies in English. He tells her that he was on a boat but it’s now gone. She asks his name and tells him that hers is Danielle Rousseau, leaving Jin very confused. LOVE THIS SHOW! It’s odd to see a sweet, round-faced Rousseau. This island really did a number on her huh?

I guess it’s safe to assume, based on Daniel “rules”, this meeting occurred back in 1988 which means Rousseau should have recognized Jin when she meets the Losties. I don’t remember any specific point where Jin and Rousseau have met. If they have, maybe she just too nuts to remember him.

Day after being rescued – Off the island

Jack and Kate are on The Searcher and discuss what to do about Aaron. Kate tells Jack that she wants to pretend that he’s hers. She’s lost so many people, she couldn’t stand to loose him too. Jack tells Kate that they’re all going to have to lie and he’s going to need her help convincing everyone that it’s a good idea. When he asks if she’s with him she tells him that she’s “always been with” him.

Current day – Off the island

Kate borrows a suit from Sun and sets out to meet with the lawyer demanding her blood sample. While she’s away Sun agrees to watch Aaron. As Kate walks out the door a delivery man give Sun and envelope. In the package she finds surveillance reports, photos of Jack and Ben and a box of chocolates with a gun hidden inside. I’m guessing this was sent by Widmore. I’m sure we didn’t see they’re entire meeting at the airport. This was probably discussed. I tried to read some of her surveillance reports by pausing the ol’ TiVo. After being confused because the “subject” appeared to be a woman I did some research online. Turns out that the “characters” in the report are from a Lost online game which means there’s probably little relevance to the actual show.

At Dan Norton’s law office, Kate tries to make a deal. She tells him that she’ll supply the blood samples if he’ll tell her who his client is. He tells her that she knows she’s in no position to bargain but he’ll mention it to his client when he meets with them later that day. I’m guessing he told her of the meeting knowing she’d follow him. I don’t think, however, that he expected that Jack would be there to confront his “client”. Had Jack not been there, Kate would have recognized his “client” and freaked out, leaving her vulnerable to running away to the island with Aaron.

Back at the hospital, Jack continues to help Sayid. He tells him that he has the equivalent of three horse tranquilizer in him. Sayid tells him that they have to get to Hurley before Ben does. Jack tells him that Ben is on their side. Sayid believes that Ben is only on Ben’s side. Just then the head of clinical services comes into the room, demanding a word with Jack. She’s furious with him for using the hospital after he’s been suspended. He apologizes and tells her it was an emergency just as he’s cell phone rings. He excuses himself and takes the call. It’s Hurley… wearing the biggest orange jump suit I’ve ever seen. He asks Jack if Sayid is ok and Jack tells him that he is. He asks where he is and Hurley tells him that he’s in LA County lockup and to tell Sayid he did just what he told him and that Ben will never get him now. Jack asks what he’s talking about as Hurley hangs up on him.

Back in Sayid’s room a nurse comes in to give him his “meds”. Sayid tells him he has the wrong room but the nurse checks the chart and says it’s the right one. He turns to put the chart down and when he turns back he shoots to darts towards Sayid. Luckily Sayid had already climbed out of the bed and grabbed the assailant. They struggle, the assailant drops the dart gun and Sayid strangles him with is IV tube. Sayid asks who sent him and the assailant tells him “address… in my pocket”. Sayid releases him, shoot 2 darts into his chest then checks his pockets. In the first he finds keys, in the other, his wallet. Upon opening his wallet he finds a scrap of paper with an address on it. Ben and Jack come in and see the scene. Jack asks what happened and Sayid shows him the address. 42 Panorama Crest, Kate’s address. This doesn’t explain who sent him does it? Common thought is that it’s either Widmore or Ben that keeps attacking Sayid. Ben knows that Sayid and Kate will fight going back to the island. Maybe he thinks the only way to get them there is unconscious. Widmore could be a)trying to keep them from Ben or b)collecting the O6 for himself so he can go back. Or maybe it’s not “Kate’s address” at all… maybe it’s Aarons. Still doesn’t explain whey the assailant would give up the address when asked who sent him. Hmmm…

Outside, Jack frantically calls Kate. He asks if she’s ok and tells her that she needs to get Aaron and get out of the house. She tells him that she’s not home and that Aaron is with Sun. Jack’s surprised to hear that Sun’s in LA. He asks if he can see her, he tells her where she is. He tells Ben that he’s going to her; Ben says he’ll go get Hurley. Sayid tells him that he’s not going anywhere. Ben reminds Sayid that his friends are in trouble and need to be taken somewhere safe. He tells Ben that he’ll drive. Ben tells Jack to meet them at the marina after he gets Kate. He tells him to hurry because they’re running out of time.

Jack finds Kate sitting in her car. She smiles at the sight of a clean, shaven Jack. Though she’s happy to see the old Jack she tells him that she just doesn’t have time to deal with whatever he’s doing right now. He sees that she’s watching the building across the street and asks her what’s going on. She tells him that someone’s after Aaron and that someone knows they’re lying. Just then Dan Norton pulls out onto the street. She tells Jack to get in or don’t. He gets in. They follow.

They arrive at a hotel; Kate’s told Jack the story on the ride. He tells Kate that the lawyer was probably lying about meeting his client but we see Carole Littleton opens her hotel door to Dan Norton. It’s Claire’s mom! Jack tells Kate that he’ll go talk to her; maybe he can explain why they did what they did. Kate just wants to run but Jack points out to her that Aaron “is my family too”. I honestly don’t think Kate knows just how “family” he is. If she did he’d have said “he’s my nephew” but instead he just makes it sound like he’s part of his life…kwim? Kate agrees to let him go.

After Dan Norton leaves Jack goes up. Carole seems a bit surprised to see him. Personally I’m kind of surprised she recognized him. It has been 3 years and she only met him once for a matter of minutes. It’s pouring out so she invites him right in. She asks how he knew she was in LA and she tells her that he followed her lawyer. She’s a little shocked and asks why he’d do that. He starts to talk about Aaron but she clearly has no idea who she’s talking about. He then asks her why she’s in LA.

Back in the car Jack frantically tells Kate that they have to go NOW. We didn’t see the entire conversation… could he have accidentally told her about Aaron and that’s why he’s rushing to leave or is it just because we don’t know who the bad guy is now? He tells her to call Sun and have her bring Aaron to the marina. Kate asks what happened he tells her Carole had no idea what he was talking about and that she’s in town to get her Oceanic settlement. He also says that “she still thinks Claire is dead”… WTH does that mean? Don’t we all think Claire is dead? Kate notes the coincidence that Carole has the same lawyer as whoever is trying to take Aaron.

Ben and Sayid pull into a parking garage. Dan Norton (!) gets out of the car beside them and tells him that Hurley will be released tomorrow as he’s got a statement from the medical examiner saying that the man outside of Santa Rosa died while Hurley was still locked up. How ironic is it that the man that DID kill the man outside of Santa Rosa is sitting right beside him. Of course, how does he explain the men at the hotel when a witness actually got a picture of Hurley there with a gun in his hands? *shrug* Ben thanks him and he leaves. Sayid asks who he was and Ben says “my lawyer.” Dum-dum-dum. How is it that Dan is both Carole and Ben’s attorney? I think he’s a “main-land Other” who Ben sent to Carole to offer to represent her against Oceanic.

As Kate and Jack arrive at the marina Kate asks why Jack called her to being with. He tells her that Sayid was attacked and the man had her address in his wallet. He tells her that he needs to get her and Aaron someplace safe. Just then she sees Ben get out of the carpet van. Fun note about the van! It reads Canton-Rainier on the side. An anagram for “reincarnation”…ooooo. Could this be hinting to Locke's lack of deadness? Technically, if Locke were to "rise again" it'd be resurretion, not reincarnation. Reincarnation is when the soul moves to another body. When Kate sees Ben she freaks a little bit. Jack tells her that it’s ok because Ben’s with him. This shocks Kate. Jack tells her that he’s helping them save all those that they left behind. Suddenly she has an epiphany… Ben sent the lawyer. Jack begins to defend him when he confesses. Another point for me! She asks who he thinks he is and why he won’t leave her and her son alone. “Because he’s not your son, Kate” Ben says.

Parked a few cars away we see Sun watching them talk. She looks back to see Aaron sleeping. On her passenger seat we see the surveillance photos and the gun that was sent to her. She picks up the gun and gets out of the car. Now, first thought would be that she’s planning to kill Ben since that’s what she told Widmore that she wanted to but both Ben and Jack are in the photos and she blames Jack for Jin’s death so maybe she’s really planning to kill Jack.


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