
5.13 "Some Like it Hoth"

Miles' connection to the island is revealed. Roger learns that Ben has vanished.

-So we jump right into it. Miles is Dr. Chang's son. In case you didn't recognize her, Lara is the same woman that was in bed with Dr. Chang in the season premiere. I know you love when I point this out but I TOTALLY called that. Go back and check if you don't believe me. LOL

-Mom tells Miles that he's supposed to be waiting by the pool. *sigh* No mother is going to tell her young child to "go wait by the pool". Duh.

-What exactly does Miles expect to get out of that vending machine with a quarter? Doesn't matter... he's having a vision.

-In Korea, Japan and China the number 4 is considered bad luck. It's even the homonym for the word "death". The room where Little Miles finds the dead man was #4.

-This is either the first time Miles "powers" work or just the first time he's told him mother about them because she seems genuinely freaked out.

-Sawyer asks Miles to erase the tape from security camera #4. Hmmm... what number?

-"The Circle of Trust". Are you kidding me?

-Are we getting closer to the episode where Radzinsky shots himself in the head yet... because I won't be sad when that day arrives. Gah!

-I know it all works out just fine, but I still think Miles should have maybe driven up the road a bit before he ripped open the body bag and started chatting with the dead guy. Radzinsky could bounce out of the jungle at any time.

-Wait? Miles mother still rented an apartment where her son was traumatized. What's with the mothers on this show?

-Ok, what's with the flashback costume and makeup? If Lara rented that apartment in 1985, Miles is well past the Flock of Seagulls, Lost Boys hair-dos. The piercing... ok, those I can deal with but the hair? Com'on.

-Miles mother is apparently dying. At first I'm thinking the loss of hair may be due to chemo but now I'm wondering if it has anything to do with exposure to one Jughead. Hmmm...

-Miles jumps right into the Who am I? What am I? Who's yer daddy? I mean, who's my daddy? Maybe a little "How do you feel? I love you Mom" would be nice for the dying woman. Anyway, looks like Daddy booted them and then died. Miles wants to know where his body is. If Mommy won't tell him why he can talk to dead people, he'll ask dead daddy. "Somewhere you can never go". Jokes on you Ma'.

-Roger's yelling at Juliet and Kate because Little Ben is missing... "You're his doctors! You're supposed to watch him!". Of course he assumes Kate's a doctor too because she's in the motor pool. Who wouldn't.

-How do you spell bounty hunter? Again, com'on! Who can't spell bounty hunter? Now, if he'd asked how to spell Obi-Wan Kenobi, now that'd make sense. I'm guessing that the writers were trying to throw us off and make us think that Hurley was writing about his experiences, since there was a bounty hunter on the plane but even then he could have asked how to spell Jabba the Hutt since Sawyer's used it as a nickname for him.

-So, Alverez had a filling blow right through his head. Ouch.

-Again, Hurley and Miles' banter cracks me up. I could watch a show based around just the two of them. Kind of reminds me of the Odd Couple. They compare their chats with the dead. Miles can just kind of read their final thoughts where Hurley has conversations with their ghosts. Well, conversations and games of checkers.

-Um, they spread some dead kids ashes over the high school football field. There's no way in hell any kids are going to step foot on that field again.

-Miles tells Mr. Gray that speaking with dead people works better when there's a body. We know that he's done it with and without but now we know it works better with the body.

-Since Hurley shared his "I see dead people" story with Miles, Miles apparently feels comfortable enough to share his "that douche is my dad" story with him. See how much we learn when people just open up?

-So Widmore is behind the fake airplane! WOW! That's a huge reveal. I feel like we've been holding on to that one forever.

-How weird and totally cool must it have been for Miles to see his Mom? I wonder if he talked to her? It's been 3 years, you'd think he must have.

-How many effin' Miles' do you know? Do you really think it's just a coincidence that there are two KOREAN ones on this island?

-So it looks like the Swan is being built on Other's territory. I wonder why? Is it because they found the electromagnetic-ness there from the Jughead the Other's buried and think it's some kind of special spot?

-How awesome is it that Hurley saw them put the numbers on the hatch? If it's just the serial number is that where they started?

-Ilana's goon, Bram, kidnaps Miles (and totally ruins his fish taco) and tries to get him to stay away from the island. But the important part is that he (and Ilana) don't work for Widmore. So who the heck do they work for?

-Notice Bram calls him "my friend"? Just like Caesar kept doing when Locke noted that though he calls people "friend" he doesn't mean it. Wonder if Caesar was one of them even though he pretended not to know Ilana on the plane.

-Bram asks Miles the same "shadow" question. Miles doesn't know either but it doesn't warrant him a knock on the head.

-Miles tells Bram he'll go with him for $3.2 million. Funny thing here... Miles also asked for that exact amount from Ben to fake Ben's death when the freighter peeps were after him.

-Looks like Jack has happily given up his leadership role. He passes along the Roger-thinks-Kate-knows-something info and moves on with his life.

-When Sawyer knocked Phil over the head it looked like it did a little somethin' somethin' for Juliet. ;-)

-Speaking of knocking Phil out... was there no other way to work out their issues. Their cover is definitely blown now. No going back.

-When Hurley was recapping the father/son relationship between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader I realized that not only does Luke loses his hand but there is speculation that Chang will eventually lose the use of his left arm based on the lack of movement in a few of the later DHARMA videos. Connection?

-Daddy Chang seems to adore his little Miles. Did Mommy Chang lie? I'm wondering if maybe Miles has something to do with Mommy and baby leaving the island. Did he convince Daddy Chang to give them the boot to save them from the "war" or the purge? How weird would that be?

-Dan's back!! Yeah! He didn't go crazy! I'm so excited to find out where he's been and what he's been doing.

FYI - Our next episode is the 100th Lost episode. I'm betting it's going to be HUGE!

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