
5.10 "He's Our You"

Sayid believes he's found his purpose for returning to the island.

I'm just going to do my thoughts again this week. Planning a birthday party and Easter dinner for the family while taking care of the 2 little ones and trying to work from home has pretty much eaten up all of my recap time. LOL

Anyway, if you haven't seen the episode, please go to abc.com and watch it before reading my thoughts, as they DEFINITELY contain spoilers!!

-Funny how little Ben brings Sayid a chicken salad sandwich right after the scene of little Sayid killing a chicken.

-The book that little Ben give Sayid is called "A Separate Reality".
Per Amazon.com:

Product Description
In this book, Castaneda resumes his apprenticeship, determined to go deeper still into don Juan's world, to learn to see beyond the surface realities of life. He continues his dialogue with don Juan, intuitive, wise, demanding, and fierce in his struggle to see and know beyond the vision of ordinary men; and himself, a man of courage and intelligence who submits himself to don Juan's teaching, to enter into another world as a participant rather than an observer. A Separate Reality is a work that is at once the discovery of a hitherto unrecorded body of wisdom and knowledge and the story of a remarkable and shattering personal experience.

About the Author
Born in 1925 in Peru, anthropologist Carlos Castaneda wrote a total of 15 books, which sold 8 million copies worldwide and were published in 17 different languages. In his writing, Castaneda describes the teaching of Don Juan, a Yaqui sorcerer and shaman. His works helped define the 1960's and usher in the New Age movement. Even after his mysterious death in California in1998, his books continue to inspire and influence his many devoted fans.

-Sayid wasn't handcuffed at all but rather zip-tied. Did they have zip-ties in the 70s? Horace didn't seem to question it when he cut them off. Speaking of that... I think their intention was for us to think Horace was coming to torture Sayid; never got that impression though.

-As Juliet watches from her window, Jack and Kate both exit Kate's house together. Are they together again?

-You can't help but feel sorry for little Ben when Daddy Roger slaps him around. Even Sayid jumped to his feet and we know how Sayid feels about him.

-There's a Geronimo Jackson poster on the wall of the "mess hall".

-Notice Hurley's DHARMA symbol? It's a chef toque (hat) with a fork and knife criss-crossed beneath is. Kind of like a pirate's Jolly Roger. Odd.

-Hurley's oh-so-gentle way of spilling the beans on Sawyer and Juliet was hilarious. Funny how Jack and Kate spent all that time together last night and he never mentioned it to her huh?

-"I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl; this is my other brother Darryl" Oldham was a creepy guy but I couldn't get that vision out of my head.

-When they replay the marina scene Sayid tells Ben "If I see you again, it will be extremely unpleasant for us both". In the original scene, in "This Place is Death" goes like this.. "And if I see you, or him (Jack) again, it will be extremely unpleasant for all of us." Why did they change this? Is it important (is that a "Separate Reality"?) or was it just to focus on the Ben/Sayid relationship? Or maybe it's just Sayid's trippy memory.

-The scotch that Sayid is drinking, MacCutcheon, is the very same scotch that a)Widmore told Des he wasn't worthy of b)Anthony Cooper was drinking when he pushed Locke out of the window and c)Charlie found in Saywer's island stash and planned to use to get Des drunk on.

-Have we ever seen Sayid laugh before? Or smile for that matter? His whole "trip" just about had Sawyer ready to explode. Luckily, no one believed him.

-Why does Oldham live in a tipi? He is pretty creepy, maybe they don't want him in the barracks. Or maybe he doesn't live here... just tortures here.

-Juliet's totally "keeping her enemies closer" because Kate doesn't know one single thing about working on veedubs. Looks like she should have gotten Jack's job.

-Ok, Amy's creepy. You think she's all sweet and lovey-dovey but nope. She seemed to share an interesting look with Saywer. Does she know more about him then we think? If so, wouldn't she be siding with him?

-And speaking of sides, I was SHOCKED when Saywer made the vote unanimous. That was definitely LaFleur talking, not Saywer. If it were our Saywer the convo would have gone like this:

Horace: I would really like to say it's unanimous.
Saywer: Well, it aint Chief.

-No way in hell Ilana would have gotten the drop on Sayid if it weren't for that $120 a glass scotch he was downing. And I'm sure she used that to her advantage.

-She must be more then just a bounty hunter. I don't think they have IDs that let them get through airport security with a gun.

-And who hired her. She says it wasn't Ben. Then again, she also said she wasn't a professional. But Ben looked pretty surprised to see Sayid on the plane so I'm not sure it was him. Then again, he's, well, Ben, king of the liars.

-When Saywer goes to Kate's she sort of sneaks out of the house like she doesn't want Sawyer to see who's inside. Who could it be? Or maybe it's the other way around, she doesn't want the person inside to see Sawyer.

-Kate starts to tell Saywer why she's come back before the veedub comes flying through. I think they want us to think it's for him, but I think it has something to do with Aaron. Maybe she's been sent back to find Claire since we all know Aaron's not supposed to be "raised by another".

-Pretty good chance that little Ben set the veedub ablaze. Any arguments there?

-With security distracted, Harry Potter enters Sayid's cell in his cloak of invisibility. Oh wait, that's little Ben. My mistake.

-And then, the end. Holy crap did he just do that? :-O

-Is he dead? I'm guessing no. Why? Because if you look back at the way big Ben has treated Sayid all along it kind of says "this is payback for shooting me when I was 12".

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