
5.10 "He's Our You"

Sayid believes he's found his purpose for returning to the island.

I'm just going to do my thoughts again this week. Planning a birthday party and Easter dinner for the family while taking care of the 2 little ones and trying to work from home has pretty much eaten up all of my recap time. LOL

Anyway, if you haven't seen the episode, please go to abc.com and watch it before reading my thoughts, as they DEFINITELY contain spoilers!!

-Funny how little Ben brings Sayid a chicken salad sandwich right after the scene of little Sayid killing a chicken.

-The book that little Ben give Sayid is called "A Separate Reality".
Per Amazon.com:

Product Description
In this book, Castaneda resumes his apprenticeship, determined to go deeper still into don Juan's world, to learn to see beyond the surface realities of life. He continues his dialogue with don Juan, intuitive, wise, demanding, and fierce in his struggle to see and know beyond the vision of ordinary men; and himself, a man of courage and intelligence who submits himself to don Juan's teaching, to enter into another world as a participant rather than an observer. A Separate Reality is a work that is at once the discovery of a hitherto unrecorded body of wisdom and knowledge and the story of a remarkable and shattering personal experience.

About the Author
Born in 1925 in Peru, anthropologist Carlos Castaneda wrote a total of 15 books, which sold 8 million copies worldwide and were published in 17 different languages. In his writing, Castaneda describes the teaching of Don Juan, a Yaqui sorcerer and shaman. His works helped define the 1960's and usher in the New Age movement. Even after his mysterious death in California in1998, his books continue to inspire and influence his many devoted fans.

-Sayid wasn't handcuffed at all but rather zip-tied. Did they have zip-ties in the 70s? Horace didn't seem to question it when he cut them off. Speaking of that... I think their intention was for us to think Horace was coming to torture Sayid; never got that impression though.

-As Juliet watches from her window, Jack and Kate both exit Kate's house together. Are they together again?

-You can't help but feel sorry for little Ben when Daddy Roger slaps him around. Even Sayid jumped to his feet and we know how Sayid feels about him.

-There's a Geronimo Jackson poster on the wall of the "mess hall".

-Notice Hurley's DHARMA symbol? It's a chef toque (hat) with a fork and knife criss-crossed beneath is. Kind of like a pirate's Jolly Roger. Odd.

-Hurley's oh-so-gentle way of spilling the beans on Sawyer and Juliet was hilarious. Funny how Jack and Kate spent all that time together last night and he never mentioned it to her huh?

-"I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl; this is my other brother Darryl" Oldham was a creepy guy but I couldn't get that vision out of my head.

-When they replay the marina scene Sayid tells Ben "If I see you again, it will be extremely unpleasant for us both". In the original scene, in "This Place is Death" goes like this.. "And if I see you, or him (Jack) again, it will be extremely unpleasant for all of us." Why did they change this? Is it important (is that a "Separate Reality"?) or was it just to focus on the Ben/Sayid relationship? Or maybe it's just Sayid's trippy memory.

-The scotch that Sayid is drinking, MacCutcheon, is the very same scotch that a)Widmore told Des he wasn't worthy of b)Anthony Cooper was drinking when he pushed Locke out of the window and c)Charlie found in Saywer's island stash and planned to use to get Des drunk on.

-Have we ever seen Sayid laugh before? Or smile for that matter? His whole "trip" just about had Sawyer ready to explode. Luckily, no one believed him.

-Why does Oldham live in a tipi? He is pretty creepy, maybe they don't want him in the barracks. Or maybe he doesn't live here... just tortures here.

-Juliet's totally "keeping her enemies closer" because Kate doesn't know one single thing about working on veedubs. Looks like she should have gotten Jack's job.

-Ok, Amy's creepy. You think she's all sweet and lovey-dovey but nope. She seemed to share an interesting look with Saywer. Does she know more about him then we think? If so, wouldn't she be siding with him?

-And speaking of sides, I was SHOCKED when Saywer made the vote unanimous. That was definitely LaFleur talking, not Saywer. If it were our Saywer the convo would have gone like this:

Horace: I would really like to say it's unanimous.
Saywer: Well, it aint Chief.

-No way in hell Ilana would have gotten the drop on Sayid if it weren't for that $120 a glass scotch he was downing. And I'm sure she used that to her advantage.

-She must be more then just a bounty hunter. I don't think they have IDs that let them get through airport security with a gun.

-And who hired her. She says it wasn't Ben. Then again, she also said she wasn't a professional. But Ben looked pretty surprised to see Sayid on the plane so I'm not sure it was him. Then again, he's, well, Ben, king of the liars.

-When Saywer goes to Kate's she sort of sneaks out of the house like she doesn't want Sawyer to see who's inside. Who could it be? Or maybe it's the other way around, she doesn't want the person inside to see Sawyer.

-Kate starts to tell Saywer why she's come back before the veedub comes flying through. I think they want us to think it's for him, but I think it has something to do with Aaron. Maybe she's been sent back to find Claire since we all know Aaron's not supposed to be "raised by another".

-Pretty good chance that little Ben set the veedub ablaze. Any arguments there?

-With security distracted, Harry Potter enters Sayid's cell in his cloak of invisibility. Oh wait, that's little Ben. My mistake.

-And then, the end. Holy crap did he just do that? :-O

-Is he dead? I'm guessing no. Why? Because if you look back at the way big Ben has treated Sayid all along it kind of says "this is payback for shooting me when I was 12".

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5.09 "Namaste"

The 03 join the DI. We find out where Sayid and Sun are. Frank and the "woman" take the outrigger to the main island at Ben's suggestion.

Time is slim right now so I'm going the lazy route and just posting my thoughts rather than an entire recap. Better than nothing right? If you haven't seen the episode yet, I'd suggest going to abc.com and watching it before reading my "thoughts" as they DEFINITELY contain spoilers.

-After the first flash when 316 is going down we suddenly switch from night to day. Has the plane traveled through time? Are they NOT in the present day as we initially thought? Also, once in the daylight, the "numbers" can be heard over the radio. Need I remind you that Danielle turned this recording off in order to place her SOS call back in 1988. Could they be before 1988? I don't think that's the case though because each time we switch from the 316 scenes to the DI scenes the title cards read "Thirty Years Ealier" putting the 316ers in 2007. Why did we hear the numbers? Could they have been re-recorded? By Hurely maybe? They are "his" numbers.

-Notice the runway. Where could that have come from? *wink* Looks like those Others knew A LOT about what was going to happen in the future huh? Or at least one of them, ahem-Ben.

-So, Sun's on the plane. Why didn't she flash with the other Losties? Really, I'm asking. Why?

-Sawyer test drives the old nicknames by calling Hurley "Kong" but after finding that it just didn't ride so smooth, he calls him Hugo. He sicks with "Doc" for Jack but doesn't even try one on Kate; he actually calls her Kate. I don't think he's ever done that. Could the love be gone? She then calls him James. WTH? Is this the Twilight Zone or sumpthin'?

-It's 1977. "Ooh..uh, what?" - Hurley. Awesome.

-Little bummed that we missed out on how exactly Sawyer explained to the O6 about how they got to 1977. When we come back from the commercial, Jack's just getting the facts straight. Why is he all of a sudden so easy to convince?

-Love that Hurley points out Jin's fabulous English.

-"The *hostiles*?" Why is Kate such a b*tch. She knows exactly who Saywer's talking about.

-"Who else was on the plane?" "Sayid, Lapidus and (I baked a cake during Jack's pause here)... Suuuuuuuunnnnnn" (picture Jack moving in slo-mo as he said that).

-Radzinsky at the Flame. Background... Radzinsky not only designed the Swan (aka "The Hatch") as we learned in this episode, but he was also Kelvin's first partner. Kelvin eventually became Des' partner in the hatch. You may (or may not, it was a LONG time ago) remember Kelvin telling Des that Radzinsky shot himself, leaving the stain on the ceiling of the hatch. He's also the one that drew the map that Locke saw on the back of the blast door.

-When Juliet mentions the sub that's coming in that afternoon, I thought she was saying that they should put the O3 on it and ship their asses out! Anyone else?

-Sawyer asks Juliet if she's seen his sweatshirt with the bulldog on it, which he later gives to Hurley. This is a shout-out to Josh Holloway's alma marter the University of Georgia.

-One of the extras on the beach during Lapidus' "live together, die alone" speech is Jorge Garcia's (Hurley's) real-life girlfriend.

-Amy's baby is Ethan huh? Cool, but not that cool; could have been better. Ethan was DHARMA. Did he turn "Hostile" with Ben? Obviously he survived the purge and is now on Ben's side...or at least he was before Charlie offed him.

-Why couldn't Jin or Sawyer at least shoot Sayid a wink or something to let him know that everything was cool? A couple times there, I wasn't so sure.

-Hurley reminds Sawyer that the DI got wiped out by the purge. Reminds him? When did he even learn that? I thought Locke and Hurley were the only ones made privy to that information when they came across the "pit".

-Sawyer says that Faraday told them there's "rules" about what they can and can't do here. One is, apparently, no telling about the purge. Another, I'm guessing, is no offing a certainly pre-teen. *wink*

-Where's Faraday? I was wondering that last week but forgot to mention it. Sawyer says he's not here... anymore. Does that mean he's physically not there or mentally not there? Based on the last state we saw Faraday in, he easily could have lost it. Or he could have taken the sub back to the mainland to continue his research. He did have a caretaker when we first met him crying at the television showing 815 at the bottom of the ocean. Maybe it's both, maybe he's crazy and home. Oh, so many thoughts... overloading... a)Could that Daniel be our Daniel? Meaning, have they stopped aging like Richard? b)Is he crying because he didn't change anything? We saw him in the Orchid at the beginning of this season; did his presence there have something to do with why he's not here.. anymore? Of course, he could just be dead, but I hope not. Weird as he is, I like Faraday.

-What's up with Miles? Why is Mr. Sees Dead People playing Barney to Sawyer's Andy? They better be building up to something here.

-Back in '07 when Ben explains to Sun about the outriggers, he ditches his sling. Was he faking his injury or has the island decided he's worth healing now?

-When did Lapidus and Ben meet? He landed the chopper, took Sayid and Des to the freighter, took the Mercs back to the island, was handcuffed to the chopper, resuced by Sawyer and Sayid, then flew the group out. When the Mercs got Ben they walked him toward chopper but never introduced Lapidus and Ben before Kate's daring rescue of Ben. Yet, Ben says "Hi Frank" to him like they've met, all whilst Frank tries to avoid eye contact. Ooo... there's something here we don't know yet. Does Ben have something to do with Lapidus not piloting 815?

-Ilana told Locke that the pilot and "some woman" took one of the outriggers. There's only 1 of 2 ways she'd know that. 1) Someone saw them. Meaning they probably saw her clock Ben. Or 2) Ben told them. Did he regain conciousness long enough to walk back to the beach and then ended up with the injured?

-Hee hee. Jack's a janitor. Sawyer...you dawg. *shakes head, smiling*

-Hee hee. Kate squirms. Juliet... you dawgett. They're more alike then we give them credit for.

-Looks like Kate's in a navy jumpsuit like Juliet's. Keep your enemies closer, I guess.

-On the main island, Sun and Lapidus see something in the trees. My thoughts? Smokey who turns himself into...

-...Christian. He's in a dilapidated building that makes me wonder... did the O3, err sorry, forgot about Sayid, did the O4 change the future? If the Others lived here they certainly would have cleaned up all the DI crap. Signs falling down, old photos on the walls, broken windows, papers everywhere... it's a dump. Not at all the the Barracks I remember.

-Speaking of the photos. Christian takes one down and shows Sun and Lapidus the O3 in the photo from 1977. Did you notice the woman sitting behind Sun? She's hard to see in this screencap that I found...

I'm thinking it's maybe Claire. She's the only woman we've seen with Christian. She looks like she could be a red-head though, maybe it's Charlotte.

-There was a photo dated 1978 hanging on the wall so we know that our Losties have at least 1 year to stop the purge or save their butts.

-After Sawyer lays down the law with a relieved-to-be-relieved-of-duty Jack and sees Kate on her porch I got to wondering, "why's she acting all weird?" then I remembered... someone did something with Aaron to make her come here. Her mission obviously has something to do with Sawyer... and it's not good.

-Young Harry Potter, err sorry, Ben Linus brings Sayid a sandwich. All I could think was "when did Sayid first meet grown up Ben?" I'm pretty sure it was when Sayid tortured "Henry Gale" in the hatch. Ben knew Sayid at this point. I'm totally going to have to go back and rewatch that episode to see if Ben says anything that might hint that he knows him.

-No one ever told Sayid that he's in 1977. I'm sure he's been nothing but confused since he woke on the island but meeting a little boy named Ben... I don't think he's going to sleep real well tonight.

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5.08 "LeFleur"

The Losties find themselves in the 70s and join the DI. Sawyer reunites with the O3.

We’re back with Sawyer holding the rope that Locke was climbing down. Miles tells him he can let go, Sawyer looks down to see the rope buried in the ground and the well gone. He starts digging and Juliet tells him to give it up. Could this rope sticking from the ground be what encouraged someone to dig there to begin with? If I stumbled along a buried rope, I might be interested to see where it leads. Miles sees something behind them that may tell them “when” they are. They turn to see a huge statue facing away from them. I believe it’s pretty safe to assume we’re seeing the rest of our 4-toed statue! Finally! I did some research on what it is based on this angle and believe this statue may be Taweret.

Note the 4 toes!! According to Wikipedia, Taweret was the Egyptian deity of protection in pregnancy and childbirth. Could it be that babies can no longer be born on the island because the statue has been destroyed? Taweret was often shown with one arm resting on the sa symbol, which symbolized protection and on occasion she carried an ankh, the symbol of life. This is an ankh:

Look familiar? It’s Paul’s necklace. Could possessing the necklace during her pregnancy be the reason why she carried to full term? Were she and Paul trying to conceive on their little picnic and that’s why he was wearing it?

While the Losties stare at the statue, Locke is below talking with Christian and turns the FDW. This causes another, more massive flash. As Locke vanishes, the Losties grab their heads in pain. After the flash Miles notes that this one felt more like an earthquake. Sawyer opens his eyes to see that the well has returned and without an instant of hesitation, jumps in. I didn’t notice the ruins around it before. Going nowhere, he notices that the well has been filled in. We do not see whether the Orchid is behind them or not. Juliet notes that her headache is gone, as does Miles. He also mentions that his nose is no longer bleeding. At this, Jin checks his nose. When was his bleeding? Or was he just checking to make sure it hadn’t started? Believing Locke accomplished his mission, Sawyer says that now they just wait for him to come back; as long as it takes.

Three years later – 1977

In a DHARMA station, Jerry and his Geronimo Jackson t-shirt wearing gal pal, Rosie, jam out to some Tony Orlando and Dawn. Phil returns, after a 10 minute hiatus, to their hootenanny (LOL). Jerry tells him to stop bringing them down and enjoy some of Rosie’s brownies, man. Phil worries that LaFleur will find out. Rosie glances at the one of the screens they’re supposed to be monitoring. She gets the guys attention. They see Horace Goodspeed lighting a stick of dynamite. He drunkenly staggers towards a tree and tosses the stick. The tree explodes. Jerry quickly pushes Rosie out and Phil tells Jerry that they have to tell LaFleur. Terrified by this thought, Jerry says there’s no way he’s waking him at 3am. What if Horace blows himself up asks Phil. There’s another explosion and they run for the door.

Outside a house Phil and Jerry argue about who’s going to knock. Phil does. A man from behind the door asks “what?” Phil says that they have a situation at the pylons. The man opens the door, we see him only from behind. He asks what kind of situation. They tell him about Horace and he swears as he grabs his jumpsuit. When he turns we see that LaFleur is really a clean, shaven Sawyer. His jumpsuit says LaFleur – Head of Security. Obviously the first question that comes to mind is, why’s Sawyer going by the name LaFleur? Then, how the heck did he become head of DHARMA security? But MY question is: why does his jumpsuit have his last name on it when everyone else’s has their first?

Sawyer pulls up outside another house where he honks the horn. Miles exits, also wearing a DHARMA jumpsuit. He hops in, calling Sawyer “Boss”, to which he replies “Evening, Enos” (homage to Dukes of Hazzard there). Miles asks where they’re headed, Sawyer tells him that they’re “fearless leader” is drunk and blowing up trees. Miles notes that Horace doesn’t drink. Sawyer says that’s all the more reason they need to keep this on the “down low”. They drive off in the iconic blue veedub.

They reach the pylons and find Horace passed out snoring. A patch of grass behind him burns. Sawyer scoops him up to take him home and tell “Amy” what’s been going on. He tells Miles to put out the fire and pack up the dynamite.

At Horace’s house, Sawyer knocks on the door; Horace is slung over his shoulder. A very pregnant Amy opens the door and asks if he’s ok. Sawyer puts him on the couch and asks what happened. Amy, referring to Sawyer as “Jim”, tells him that they had an argument about Paul. Just then she doubles over in pain. The baby’s coming she tells him.

Three years earlier – 1974

Daniel is sitting on the ground mumbling “I won’t do it” over and over again. I'm guessing he's referring to telling little Charlotte not to return to the island. Juliet and Sawyer approach him. Juliet asks where Charlotte is and Dan tells her that she didn’t leap during the last flash because she’s dead. The way he worded it confuses me though, “She moved on and we stayed”. Sawyer also questions it. Could she have actually come with him during the last flash but then disappeared afterwards? Why would her body keep leaping if she’d died? Dan tells them that they’re not leaping anymore, that it’s over. Wherever, whenever they are now is where they’ll be for good. Juliet offers her condolences about Charlotte. Dan starts to mumble how he “won’t do it” again. Sawyer tells the group that he thinks they should go back to the beach again. If the camp is there good, if not, they’ll rebuild it. He knows that when the O6 and Locke get back that the beach is where they’ll go to find them. Miles thinks they should avoid the spot where flaming arrows where shot at them but Juliet sides with Sawyer and they start for the beach. Miles kicks the sand and pouts because Sawyer’s in charge.

While heading through the jungle, Sawyer thanks Juliet for having his back but she says she thinks going to the beach is dumb too and suggest Sawyer think of a better idea before they get there. Just then they hear gun shots. They raise their rifles and walk towards a woman’s screams. In a clearing they see a woman being held at gun point by two Hostiles. There’s a man, apparently dead, lying on the ground. The woman begs for her life and pleas for help for the man, Paul. One of the Hostile’s picks a gun up off the ground, presumably Paul’s, and tucks it in the back of his pants. The Hostile’s then place a sack, similar to the kinds used on Sawyer, Kate and Jack on the docks, over the woman’s head. She falls to her knees. The woman pleas with the men telling them they meant no harm and that they were just “touring this park”. There appears to be a picnic set up on the ground. Miles confirms with Dan that they shouldn’t get involved, Dan says it doesn’t matter “whatever happened, happened”. Sawyer asks Juliet if she’s got his back, to which she says “Absolutely” and he steps out of the bushes. The Hostiles order the woman to her feet and pull her up as Sawyer orders them to drop their guns. Immediately one of the men fires his gun at Sawyer but Juliet drops him like a sack of potatoes. Sawyer looks down at his chest, thinking he was shot, then looks to Juliet to see her lowering her rifle.. Was he shot? Was it just “not his time” to die? Or did the Hostile just have really bad aim? As the second Hostile lifts his rifle, Sawyer shoots him. The woman, still blind to the commotion, sobs. Juliet and Sawyer take the guns from the men and Sawyer removes the bag from the woman’s head to reveal that it’s Amy (the pregnant woman from the future). She asks Sawyer “who are you?” He and Juliet just share a look. Why are the Hostiles attacking Amy and Paul? I’m guessing that part of their truce includes “you stay on your side, we’ll stay on ours”. Do the pylons mark this territory? We’re Amy and Paul trespassing? What were they doing with Amy? Did they plan to take her back to Richard? Did they kill Paul in self-defense? He did have a gun after all.

As they clean up the scene, Amy sits beside Paul crying. He’s wearing a DHARMA security jumpsuit like the ones Miles and Sawyer will be wearing in the future. Juliet notes the suit to Sawyer and tells him that that means they’re in the 70s-80s. Jin finds a walkie on one of the Hostiles and tosses it to Sawyer. He turns it on to hear only static. Juliet tells him that they have to go. Sawyer stoops down and tells Amy that the Hostiles may have called someone before they showed up so they need to leave. She asks who they are and Sawyer tells him they’re from a shipwreck but it doesn’t matter right now. She says “the truce” under her breath and tells them that they need to bury the bodies and bring Paul, her husband, back with them. She sobs and she begs. Jin says that he’ll carry Paul. Sawyer agrees and says they need to do it fast.

They carry Paul’s body through the jungle. Sawyer tells the Losties to let him do all the talking when they arrive at the DHARMA barracks. When Miles questions is ability to dupe them Sawyer tells him that he used to lie for a living. Just then Juliet yells at Daniel to stop walking. He freezes in his steps. He looks up to see the concrete pylons. Juliet tells Amy to turn them off. Amy plays dumb. Juliet does too and says that it looks like some sort of sonic fence. She knows what they are, remember she deactivated the fence when she and Kate were running from Smokey in “Left Behind”. She must be lying for Amy’s benefit since she thinks they just crashed on the island. Sawyer reminds Amy that they just saved her so a little trust would be appreciated. She reluctantly walks over to the control box and fiddles with it a bit. While she does this Juliet tells Sawyer that Dan would have fried his brain had he taken just one more step. Amie tells them it’s off. Sawyer makes her walk through first to prove it. She goes through, there's a hum but she isn't harmed. They follow. Suddenly they’re struck by high-pitched buzzing and drop to the ground motionless. Amy removes a pair of ear plugs. You’d think Juliet wouldn’t have fallen for this, but she did. Obviously Amy just intended to “stun” them because these pylons can be deadly, remember what they did to Patchy?

Three years earlier – 1974

Amy’s in labor. The doctor tells Sawyer that the baby is breech and will have to be delivered by c-section. He says that the babies are usually born on the mainland, as he’s just an internist, not obstetrician. Amy was meant to leave the island for the mainland Tuesday but the baby is coming 2 weeks early. Sawyer asks if he’ll be able to deliver it and he says he doesn’t know. Sawyer rushes out.

Sawyer approaches a garage. He asks the man outside where “she” is. He points over to a van. Juliet pops out from underneath. She’s in a dark jumpsuit with a wrench DHARMA logo on it. She used her real name, it says “Juliet” on it. She’s a grease monkey? *shrug* She asks him what’s up and he tells her that Amy’s in labor. She smiles briefly until she realizes what he means exactly. He tells her that she needs a caesarean. Juliet whispers to him that they had an agreement. Agreement? Why would she want to climb under vans rather than practice medicine? Sawyer says to screw the agreement because Amy needs help. Juliet tells him that every time she’s tried to help a woman give birth on the island, it hasn’t worked. Sawyer notes that maybe whatever caused that hasn’t happened yet and begs her to try.

Back in the medical office Juliet examines Amy. She asks the doctor if he tried turning the baby but he doesn’t even know the terminology she uses. She says that it’s probably too late now. She lists off the tools she’ll need but the doctor is hesitant to get the grease monkey a scalpel. Understandable. The doctor asks where Horace is but Sawyer says he’s speaking for Horace and Juliet’s doing the surgery. The doctor protests more but Amy says she wants Juliet to do it. Sawyer says a few supportive words to Juliet and leaves.

Pacing outside, Sawyer is approached by Jin who now speaks FLUENT English! His jumper also has his real name on it. He asks if everything’s ok and he brings him up to speed. Sawyer asks Jin if he’s had any “luck”. He tells him that he’s finished with gird 1-3-3 with no sign of “our people”. Oh, he’s searching the island grid by grid? That’s kind of odd. Does he think they’re just going to stand still until he finds them? *shrug* Jin asks how long they’re going to keep looking, Sawyer tells him again “as long as it takes”. Just then Juliet comes out, her face is flushed. Sawyer asks what happened. She tells him that it’s a boy and both mother and child are fine. Sawyer smiles from ear to ear as Juliet cries. I felt the urge for a hug here.

Three years earlier – 1974

Sawyer wakes on a couch. He rubs his eyes and sits up to see Horace before him. Horace asks him how his head feels. Sawyer says “it hurts”. He asks where the others are; Horace says they’re fine. He tells him that Amy filled him in on what happened in the jungle and thanks him. Sawyer notes that they have a funny way of showing their gratitude. Horace tells him that they have protocols. He tells him of the Hostiles and asks who, exactly, he is. Sawyer introduces himself as James “Jim” LaFleur (LaFleur means “flower” in French). Horace says that his friends told him that “Jim” is the captain and any questions should go to him. His first: how’d you get here? Sawyer tells him that his salvage ship departed from Tahiti looking for the Black Rock when they hit a reef and shipwrecked and he and his friends were searching the island for the rest of their people. Horace tells him he’s never heard of the Black Rock but buys his story. He tells him that they will be shipped out on the sub leaving in the morning. Sawyer asks if they can have a couple weeks to look for their people. After all, they did save Amy’s life. Horace tells him no. Only DHARMA members are allowed to live on the compound and they’re not DHARMA material. They obviously don’t think the island is special if they’re willing to let people come and go as they please.

Outside Juliet, Jin, Miles and Dan are sitting at a table. Juliet looks around since this is where she once live (in the future LOL). Miles is worried that they won’t believe Sawyer’s story but Juliet trusts they they’ll be fine. You can't help but wonder what she knows. She was an Other. Does she know that they'll all be joining? Could she have seen photos of them or heard stories in her 3 years as an Other? Miles asks what she’s looking at and she points out the house she used to live in. Miles asks if she was DHARMA but she tells him that the Others took over the barracks when most of the DI were wiped out. Most? I thought that Ben was the only DI survivor. Jin turns to Dan and asks if the flashes are done. Dan tells him that they’re done. Just then a woman with a British accent walks by with a small 3 or 4 year old red-haired girl. The girl appears to wave to Daniel. He whispers Charlotte’s name. I’m not sure a) if this little girl was there or just a figment of crazy-Dan’s imagination b) was Charlotte. According to Ben, Charlotte was born in 1979. If that’s the case a) this isn’t Charlotte or b) Ben’s info was wrong.

Horace approaches the table and tells them that someone would be with them shortly to show them their rooms and that LaFleur would fill them in on what’s next. He walks away and Miles asks “Mr. LaFleur?” Sawyer says he just improvised and that it’s a common Creole surname. Why wouldn’t he use his real name? Must just be second nature to lie. Or maybe he’s not lying. Could Ford just be another con name? He tells the group that Horace bought the lie but he’s making them leave in the morning. Miles doesn’t see a down side to this. Just them an alarm sounds and everyone begins to panic. They tell the Losties to get inside and they run for one of the houses. Phil has a woman in the house, Heather, “keep an eye on them”. Is her rifle for them or for the Hostiles? Sawyer and Juliet look out the window to see what the commotion’s about. We see a well dressed man coming from the jungle, carrying a torch. He sticks it into the ground and walks towards the houses. It’s ever ageless, Richard Alpert. Sawyer and Juliet share a look. “Uh oh” Sawyer says.

Horace goes out and greets Richard. He tells him he would have turn off the fence had he known he was coming. Richard tells him that the fence “may keep other things out but not us.” Are the Hostiles immune to the sonic fence or do they just have other ways to get around it? Maybe under it? He tells Horace that he’s upset that they’ve broken their truce. Horace tells him that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Richard knows he’s lying and asks where his two men are. From inside, Miles watches them argue. He can’t hear them but their body language tells the story. He tells the others that getting on the sub is sounding better and better every minute. Sawyer says that no one is getting on the sub. Just then Horace and Phil burst through the door. Horace asks Sawyer how well he buried the Hostiles bodies and he tells him that it depends on how hard they look for them. This does not comfort Horace who tells Phil to call the Arrow and tell them they’re at “Condition One” and to put the fence at maximum power. Why? Richard just told you that the fence doesn’t affect them. Or could he be worried that Richard’s going to sick Smokey after them? We know Smokey can't penetrate the sonic fence. Sawyer asks Horace to let him speak with his “buddy out there with the eyeliner”. This is a big joke on the internet among Lost fans. The actor that portrays Richard, Nestor Carbonell, has a very dark eye line and lashes making it look like he’s wearing eyeliner, but he isn’t. Horace doesn’t think this is a good idea but Sawyer explains that he was the one to kill the Hostiles and he wants to tell Richard why. Horace still says no but Sawyer goes anyway.

Sawyer approaches Richards and says hello. Richard asks if he knows him since Sawyer called him by name. Sawyer tells him that he’s the person that killed his men. He tells him what happened. He actually tells him the truth. Sawyer the con man tells the truth. Richard asks if “his people” know he’s telling him this. Sawyer tells him that they aren’t his people and that their truce shouldn’t be affected by what he did. Richard asks who he is, if not DHARMA. Sawyer sits down and again, tells the truth. He asks him if they buried the Jughead bomb. Richard begins to ask how he knows about that and Sawyer tells him that he also knows about Locke’s visit back in 1954 and that he’s waiting for him to return. Richard is intrigued by Sawyer’s story but says he still needs justice for the two men he killed.

Sawyer and Horace go to Amy who’s sitting with Paul’s body. Horace tells her that they’ve told Richard where the bodies were buried in order to maintain their truce. He also needs Paul’s body. Amy cringes and says no. Horace speaks to her as an old friend and tells her that it’s entirely her choice and they’ll willingly suffer the consequences should she say no. She looks at Paul and tells Horace that they can take him. That Paul would have wanted to keep them safe. She asks for a minute alone with him and takes an ankh necklace off the body. As she leaves Sawyer apologizes to her and asks Horace if he needs help with the body. He says no and tells him that he and the other Losties are free to stay until the sub returns in 2 weeks.

Sawyer goes out to the docks and tells Juliet that they’ve been giving 2 more weeks. She tells him that she’s leaving on the sub in the morning. She points out that Locke saved them. They flashes have stopped. There’s no reason to believe that he might be coming back. She tells him that she’s been trying to get off the island for the last 3 years and this is her chance. Sawyer points out that it’s 1977 and whatever she thinks she’s going back to won’t be there. He also asks who’s going to watch his back if she goes. She smiles at his sincerity and agrees to give him 2 more weeks. Sawyer nods to himself at his accomplishment.

Three years later – 1977

Sawyer’s returning home and stops to pick a flower. He smells it and smiles. This is a whole new Sawyer. He gets home and comments on how something smells good. In the kitchen Juliet makes dinner. This house looks very similar to the one she’ll have again in the future. The tile is a different color and the stove and fridge are switched but those are regular cosmetic things that could have changed over the last 20 years. Could it be the same one? Top: LaFleur Bottom: Tale of Two Cities

Sawyer shows her the flower and she asks if it’s for her. He walks towards her and tells her what an amazing job she did today and she hugs him and thanks him for believing in her. They kiss and she tells him that she loves him. He returns the sentiment. I’m surprised to say that I think they’re sweet together. I believe my exact feelings about the possible hook up between Sawyer and Juliet back on the season premiere was “ewww”. I take it back. I think it’s because they’ve actually had 3 years to develop a relationship and it’s not just a one-night-stand.

Sawyer sits in a chair reading while Horace sleeps on the couch beside him. He wakes and Sawyer asks him how his head feels. This scene is reminiscent of the first time these two met. Horace tells him “it hurts”. He tells him that Amy had the baby and it’s a boy. Could this baby be someone of importance? It seems that it’s the first DHARMA baby to be born on the island since the mothers-to-be are usually sent to the mainland to give birth. Could it be Demsmond? That would explain why he's "special". Or maybe they'll name it after the man that made their relationship and the baby's birth possible: James LaFleur, later known in life as James Ford. ?? I believe that both Des and Sawyer are too old to be this child, but who konws. Horace is angry with himself for missing it. Personally I’m a bit surprised he’s not rushing out the door to see him. Sawyer asks why he was too drunk to be there. He tells him that he found Paul’s necklace in her dresser drawer. He’s afraid that, after 3 years, Amy still isn’t over him. Sawyer explains how he loved someone but has moved on and can hardly remember what she looked like so, yes, 3 years is enough time to get over someone.

The next morning Sawyer and Juliet are sleeping when the phone rings. Sawyer answers it. It’s Jin telling him about the O3. He tells him not to bring them to the barracks, instead to meet him in the North Valley. He hangs up and rushes to the closet. Juliet asks who it was. He tells her it was Jin and that he has to go. Why wouldn’t he tell her? Is it because he does still have feelings for Kate? Or maybe he just wants to see if he still has feelings. Or possibly he's afraid she may still have feelings for Jack. He arrives at the valley in a blue jeep. It may not be the veedub van but it’s the exact same color. He steps out and stands in front of the jeep. Jin pulls up in the van about 100 miles away. Hurley gets out and stands to one side of the van. I'm AMAZED that Hurley didn't charge forward and bear hug Sawyer instantly. Jack stands on the other, HUGE smile on his face. Then Sawyer removes his glasses to see Kate get out and stand in the middle. She smiles at him, he stares, pretty much expressionless.


Ok, few things. It’s pretty safe to assume that Sawyer, Juliet, Jin and Miles were members of the DI from the beginning. I’m guessing that Jack, Kate and Hurley will now join as well. Could this be why Ben wanted lists back in the beginning? He wanted to see if "they" were back? Also, speaking of Ben, he should be on the island right now. From what we’ve learned about Ben, he was born in the early 60s. He came to island when he was 10-12 years old which should land sometime during the Losties 1974-1977 visit. Is he there with them? Do they know it? Could Sawyer’s intervention in Amy’s situation have changed something? If you remember, Ben was born prematurely while his parents were on a hike. His father carried him and his mother to the roadside and Horace and his companion, Olivia, pulled over to help them. Who was Olivia? Wife? Sister? Where is she now? We know that she’ll be Ben’s teacher when she reaches the island so she should be there now. Unless, again, Sawyer saving Amy changed that. Of course, Dan says “what happened happened” so this is probably the way it went down the first time around. It is however, safe to assume that child-Ben will meet Juliet. If you remember Harper, the psychiatrist for DHARMA, told Juliet when she first arrived that Ben was so nice to her because she looks “just like her”. When Juliet asks who, Harper changed the subject. Will Juliet befriended a young Ben?

Locke told Jack that "bad things happened" when he left the island. The only way to stop them was to go back, according to Richard and Christian. But they stopped when Locke left, not when the O6 (err, O3) returned. Could Richard and Christian have another reason for getting the O6 (err, 3) back to the island?

Where are Rose and Bernard? Could they be the skeletons Kate and Jack found in the caves? Jack dated them back to 1954-64 based on clothing degradation. Could they have died during the jump back to 1954? That was the last time we saw them. The flaming arrows were flying towards the beach, they all split up and we haven’t seen them since. The skeletons, named Adam and Eve by Locke, were holding 1 white and 1 black stone; another clue that they could be Rose and Bernard. Jack took these stones off the bodies and kept them. Is it possible he will later put them back when the bodies are found?

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